Premises of the cycle
The aim of the cycle is to produce comparative material for Chopin studies, to address issues that are important in Chopin's music and to examine to what extent, if at all, and in what way they function also in the music of other composers of his times. In seeking to satisfy those premises, over the period 2016-2019, we plan to focus on the different themes:
2016 The lyric and the vocal element in instrumental music of the nineteenth century
Please submit proposed titles of papers and abstracts corresponding to the theme of the particular year's conference by 30 April that year (the deadline for abstracts and titles for the first conference in the series, ‘The Lyric and Vocal Element in Instrumental Music of the Nineteenth Century', is 30 April 2016).
Abstracts, no more than 1800 characters in length, should contain the main hypothesis, information on the material analysed and the method employed, and also the research results.
The full programme of conferences will be presented by the organisers no later than 31 May 2016.
All those invited to participate in the conference will be obliged to submit full papers by 1 August 2016. The conferences are planned for the first days in September each year (in 2016, 1-3 September).
See more:
Conference languages
Conferences will be conducted in English and Polish.
Conference proceedings
Proceedings will be published subject to the organisers' selection.
Please send any queries to Ewa Bogula: ebogula -at-
Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina
ul. Tamka 43
00-355 Warszawa
fax +48 22 44 16 113
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