lunedì 22 marzo 2021



Roma, Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia
29-31 ottobre 2021

*** Call for papers in English

"Il ventottesimo Convegno Annuale della SIdM si svolgerà a Roma dal 29 al 31 ottobre 2021, e sarà organizzato in collaborazione con l’Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Durante il convegno avrà luogo l’assemblea annuale dei soci.

Il convegno annuale della SIdM costituisce un’importante occasione di incontro e interazione scientifica tra gli studiosi. Anche quest’anno siamo lieti di poter estendere le opportunità di partecipazione offrendo ai soci la possibilità di presentare, oltre alle consuete relazioni, anche poster relativi a progetti in itinere".

Deadline invio proposte: 15 giugno 2021

>>> Informazione:

venerdì 19 marzo 2021

CFP - 21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society

21st Quinquennial Congress of the International Musicological Society 

Athens, Greece 

August 22-26, 2022


Music across Borders

"In a world interconnected by global networks and partitioned by resurgent nationalism, racism, travel bans, and now a global pandemic, borders are sites of contestation. Nevertheless, musicians continue to move, as they always have, via diasporas, repatriation, and forced or voluntary migration, bringing along musics, practices, and artifacts, interacting with new environments, and often giving voice to minority communities. Moreover, thanks to the circulation enabled by recording “technologies”–from memory and notation to .MP3s–music has long defied the spatial and temporal limits of physical travel. In short, music is highly mobile.

In recent decades, scholars grappling with globalization, imperialism, and migration have abandoned static intellectual frameworks based on ideologies of cultural wholeness, generating a “mobility” turn with far-reaching consequences for the human sciences. Music-making and research have privileged cosmopolitanism and cultural flux in ways that challenge dominant canons. Theories of intermediality are currently reimagining genres and repertoires as inherently unstable. Yet the decentering force of this artistic and conceptual mobility has itself raised pressing questions around disciplinary border-crossing, hyphenated methodologies, and epistemic responsibility.

The IMS2022 Program Committee invites proposals from across the musicologies and beyond that spark the following discussions: What research is emerging on the ground in connected histories, border-crossing source studies, media studies, music theories, and local/global studies of music? As we work across genres, practices, spaces real and virtual, hemispheres, beliefs, societies, and systems of knowledge, what relations structure encounters and comparisons? Are they just? How could musicology’s interactions with arts practices, fiction, science, ecology, sociology, health, and law be increased and improved? What techniques allow analytic, historical, and anthropological methods to be intertwined most effectively? How do the practices of musicians on the move–translation, transformation, mediation–inform our theoretical paradigms?"

Categories of Presentation

"Proposals are invited for free papers, roundtables, and study sessions. The Program Committee seeks free papers that reflect current research as broadly as possible. Each free paper is allotted 30 minutes, with 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A. Roundtables are to focus exclusively on topics relevant to the themes of the Congress (see above). The length of each roundtable is 120 minutes, including Q&A and discussion. Study sessions are more “informal” in nature, providing an opportunity for scholars to exchange ideas on the issues, methodologies, and research frameworks of a given topic while opening the discussion to all Congress participants. The length of each study session is limited to 90 minutes, including Q&A and discussion".


"All proposals must be submitted online between January 15  to June 30, 2021 to be considered. Successful applicants will be notified by email no later than October 31, 2021".

 >>> More information:

mercoledì 10 gennaio 2018

CFP KISMIF International Conference ‘Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures’ (KISMIF Conference 2018)

We are pleased to announce the fourth KISMIF International Conference ‘Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures’ (KISMIF Conference 2018) which will take place in Porto, Portugal, between 3 July and 7 July 2018. The submission of abstracts for this conference is open to academic researchers working in all areas of sociology, anthropology, history, cultural economics, geography, urban planning, media and cultural studies and cognate disciplines, such as design, illustration, popular music, cinema, visual and performing arts. This initiative follows the great success of the three past editions of the KISMIF Conference (held in 2014, 2015 and 2016) and brings together an international community of researchers focusing on underground music scenes and do-it-yourself culture. The KISMIF Conference offers a unique forum where participants can discuss and share information about underground cultures and DIY practices. KISMIF focuses on cultural practices that are often pitched against more mainstream, mass-produced and commodified forms of cultural production. Aligned with this is an anti-hegemonic ideology focused around aesthetic and lifestyle politics. KISMIF is the first and so far, only conference to examine the theory and practice of underground DIY cultures as an increasingly significant form of cultural practice in a global context. The conference has a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming contributions from the global community of scholars and activists working on all aspects of underground scenes and DIY cultures, and based on various methodologies — quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods analysis. The goal is to discuss not only music but also other artistic fields such as film and video, graffiti and street art, theatre and the performing arts, literature and poetry, radio, programming and editing, graphic design, illustration, cartoon and comic fiction. Seeking to respond to the desire reiterated by researchers, artists and activists present at previous KISMIF conferences, the 4th edition of KISMIF will focus on ‘Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures’, directing its attention on gender issues relating to underground scenes and DIY cultures, and their manifestation at local, translocal and virtual levels. Expressions of gender in local, translocal and virtual spaces constitute important variables to understand contemporary cultures, their sounds, their practices (artistic, cultural, economic and social), their actors and their contexts. From a postcolonial and glocalized perspective, it is important to consider the changes in artistic and musical practices with an underground nature to draw symbolic boundaries between their operating modalities and those of advanced capitalism. In 2018, the scientific programme of KISMIF will once again be accompanied by a diverse social and cultural programme, characterised by a series of artistic events, with special focus on underground music and other artistic expressions. The aim is to provide a unique experience in terms of the transglobal DIY cultures. The conference will be preceded by a summer school entitled ‘What difference do DIY cultures make?’ on 3 July 2018 in Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Porto. The summer school will offer an opportunity for all interested persons, including those participating in the conference, to attend workshops led by specialists in these fields. More information about the Summer School will be progressively disseminated in the KISMIF Conference website. Source:

sabato 29 aprile 2017

CFP Colloquio di Musicologia del «Saggiatore musicale»

Ventunesimo Colloquio di Musicologia
del «Saggiatore musicale»

Bologna, 17-19 novembre 2017

Laboratori delle Arti
piazzetta P.P. Pasolini 5b (via Azzo Gardino 65)

Il Ventunesimo Colloquio di Musicologia comprenderà una prolusione di Paolo Fabbri su questioni di storiografia della musica, due tavole rotonde e sedute dedicate a relazioni libere.
Le tavole rotonde del 17 e 18 novembre pomeriggio verteranno su Wittenberg 1517 e le conseguenze storico-musicali della riforma luterana (coordinatore Raffaele Mellace) e sul teatro d’opera nel neoclassicismo (coordinatore Virgilio Bernardoni).
Le altre sedute saranno dedicate a relazioni su temi liberi (15 minuti di durata, ossia 9000 battute, circa 1500 parole). Entro il 25 giugno 2017 gli interessati inoltreranno le loro proposte (con un abstract di 30 righe) al comitato scientifico, che le selezionerà entro luglio. A Colloquio concluso, gli abstracts delle relazioni verranno pubblicati nel sito
Il Colloquio è coordinato da Giuseppina La Face Bianconi, Nicola Badolato e Enrico De Stavola. Il comitato scientfico è formato da Renato Di Benedetto, Giorgio Pestelli, Raffaele Pozzi, Daniele Sabaino, Nico Staiti e Luca Zoppelli.

Per l’invio degli abstracts (muniti di nominativo e recapiti):
XXI Colloquio di Musicologia del «Saggiatore musicale», e-mail
Per informazioni logistiche: 
Società Cronopios, tel. 051 224420; fax 051 2919120; e-mail

CFP Annual Conference of Italian Musicological Society

Lucca, Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Luigi Boccherini”
20-22 ottobre 2017

Call for papers
Il ventiquattresimo Convegno annuale della SIdM si terrà a Lucca, in collaborazione con l’Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Luigi Boccherini”, nei giorni 20-22 ottobre. Il 21 ottobre alle ore 15 avrà luogo l'Assemblea annuale dei soci.
Il convegno si articolerà in sessioni libere.
Si invitano gli studiosi interessati a presentare proposte di relazione.
L’abstract dovrà recare il titolo della relazione e un testo della lunghezza massima di 30 righe in formato word, che indichi l’argomento della ricerca svolta, lo stato attuale delle conoscenze sull'argomento, i contenuti principali della comunicazione e obiettivi della ricerca, gli apporti del proprio contributo rispetto allo stato attuale delle conoscenze. Saranno prese in considerazione solo ricerche originali, inedite e non in corso di pubblicazione.
Oltre a ciò, è richiesto un breve curriculum (max 15 righe) e l’elenco delle eventuali attrezzature richieste per l'esposizione della relazione.
La relazione dovrà avere una durata massima di 20 minuti (corrispondenti a un testo di 8 cartelle per un totale di 16.000 caratteri). Non è possibile inviare più di un abstract.
L’abstract va inviato via e-mail all’indirizzo La richiesta va corredata di nome, cognome, indirizzo, telefono ed e-mail. Gli abstracts dovranno pervenire entro il 15 giugno 2017. Le accettazioni verranno comunicate entro il 15 luglio.
Si specifica che una sola sessione del Convegno sarà dedicata al seguente tema: Paisiello 1816-2016. “Il post anniversario”.
Per ulteriori informazioni, vedi il sito, oppure contatta la segreteria (, o telefona al numero 338-195.77.96 (da lunedì a venerdì dalle ore 9 alle ore 13).


Lucca, Institute Superior Musical Studies “Luigi Boccherini”, 20-22 October 2017
The twenty-four Annual Conference of the Italian Musicological Society will be hosted in Lucca from 20th-22rd October, in collaboration with the Institute Superior Musical Studies “Luigi Boccherini”. On October 21nd at 3 p.m. the annual Meeting of all members will take place.
The Conference will be divided into free paper sessions.
Scholars from all over the world are invited to submit their proposals.
In your abstract (which has not to exceed 30 lines in word format) please indicate the title of the proposed paper, the state of the art in your research field, with an outline of the project and the specific contribution to the current knowledge. Only original, unpublished research will be taken into consideration: papers in print will not be accepted.
Along with the text please send also a short C/V (max. 15 lines) and indicate the A/V equipment required.
The paper shall not exceed 20 minutes in duration (corresponding to an 8-page text containing to a maximum of 16000 characters). Scholars are not allowed to send more than one abstract. Please provide your full name, address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address. The abstracts have to be sent to the e-mail address no later than June 15, 2017. Acceptance of papers will be notified by July, 15, 2017.
We inform you that one session of the conference will be entitled: Paisiello 1816-2016. “The post anniversary”.
For further information about the conference please visit the web site: or by mail:


CFP “El concierto en España (ss. XVIII-XXI): aspectos históricos, productivos, interpretativos e ideológicos”

La Universidad de la Rioja y el ICCMU, a través de sus proyectos de investigación I+D, MadMusic (Comunidad de Madrid, S2015/HUM-3483) y MECRI (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, HAR2014-53143-P), organizan el congreso internacional “El concierto en España (ss. XVIII-XXI): aspectos históricos, productivos, interpretativos e ideológicos”, cuyo plazo de presentación de comunicaciones está abierto.

El congreso se celebrará los días 23 y 24 de noviembre de 2017 en la Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla de Madrid.


En este congreso se propone un estudio del concierto como fenómeno social, cultural y musical. La historia de la música ha sido concebida desde el comienzo de la historiografía como una sucesión de compositores, intérpretes e instituciones. Esta visión ha cambiado solo en las últimas décadas, por influjo, por una parte, de la historia de la cultura y de la antropología, que han reivindicado el contexto social y cultural de la actividad musical, y, por otra, de los performance studies, que han dejado en evidencia una clamorosa ausencia en la historia de la música: la interpretación de la obra. El significado de la obra musical, por tanto, es variable y está en continuo proceso de (re)creación y cambio a través de las numerosas interpretaciones históricas que puede tener.
Como consecuencia de este cambio de paradigma, el concierto y la interpretación que acoge pasan al centro del debate musicológico, cambiando sustancialmente su posición dentro de la historia de la música. Así, el concierto ha pasado de ser un evento accesorio que documentaba la trayectoria de un compositor o de una obra a ser un evento central en donde, por así decir, tiene lugar la misma historia de la música, en tanto que solo ahí la obra musical adquiere carta de naturaleza.
Con la celebración del congreso se pretende contribuir a cambiar este panorama impulsando el estudio de los distintos aspectos históricos, productivos, interpretativos e ideológicos del concierto en España durante un amplio marco cronológico.
Dirección: Miguel Ángel Marín y Álvaro Torrente
Comité académico: Màrius Bernadó, Juan José Carreras, José María Domínguez y Judith Ortega
Comité organizador: Cristina Aguilar, Ana Lombardía y Josep Martínez
Proyectos I+D de la Universidad de La Rioja y el Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Musicología aplicada al concierto clásico en España (siglos XVIII-XXI). Aspectos históricos, productivos, interpretativos e ideológicos (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, HAR2014-53143-P),
  • MadMusic. Espacios, géneros y públicos de la música en Madrid, ss. XVll-XX (Comunidad de Madrid, S2015/HUM-3483)
Lugar: Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Calle del Noviciado, 3, 28015 Madrid


Se aceptarán propuestas de comunicaciones (20 minutos) sobre las siguientes líneas de investigación:
  • Historia y significados de conceptos clave: concierto, esfera pública, esfera privada, mercado, público
  • Tipología de conciertos y sistemas de acceso
  • Espacios del concierto: salón, iglesia, corte, sala de conciertos; dimensión espacial y física de la escucha; arquitectura y acondicionamiento de la sala
  • Organización y gestión de conciertos (management): sistemas de mecenazgo, del mecenas al agente, perfiles de organizadores, aspectos comerciales y de difusión,
  • El papel de la crítica: estrategias discursivas periodísticas, programas ideológicos y estéticos, la profesionalización del crítico
  • El intérprete: perfiles (el virtuoso, el aficionado); formación y vida de orquestas profesionales; el surgimiento y desarrollo del director; dimensiones laborales y profesionales del músico de orquesta
  • El público y la escucha: tipos y perfiles de públicos; sociabilidad; prácticas de escucha (listening practice); acústica del concierto
  • El repertorio: qué se interpreta y quién lo decide; cuestiones de programación musical; procesos de canonización del repertorio; tendencias de programación y sus reacciones
  • La interpretación en vivo: el ritual del concierto; gestualidad y comunicación; corpografía, otras líneas de performance studies
  • Iconografía de los conciertos en España
Proceso de selección de las propuestas
Las propuestas deben enviarse en un documento .doc o .rtf, titulado “Apellidos-congreso concierto” (ej. “García López-congreso concierto”) y dirigido al siguiente correo-e:
El documento debe incluir la siguiente información:
  • título
  • autor(es)
  • afiliación académica
  • resumen (entre 250 y 300 palabras)
  • 5 palabras clave
  • e-mail de contacto
Envío de propuestas: 30 de junio de 2017
Selección de propuestas: 14 de julio de 2017


giovedì 27 aprile 2017

JOB Uppsala University, musicology, 2 doctoral positions

The Department of Musicology at Uppsala University (Sweden) is seeking two PhD candidates to start their programmes in September 2017. One position is specialized in historical musicology, the other one is open to all fields within the discipline.

PhD students in the department are employed as full-paid temporary staff during the course of their four-year programme. The department welcomes applicants with experience from academic milieus outside Sweden.

Prospective candidates are invited to submit applications by 15 May, 2017, through our online recruiting system.

For questions, please contact Professor Mattias Lundberg, director of graduate studies:, or Professor Lars Berglund, head of department: lars.berglund -at-